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FEAR AWAY (Written By: Poetic Dela X Cormla Poet)

FEAR AWAY (Written by: Poetic Dela X Cormla Poet)


Everytime I close my eyes,
a constant stream of
rhythmic memories
A cold, frosty penuriousness
held in dark relentless fate
Vespers cover my deepest thoughts, 
My bones are not strong
but I run, i strive with my all
No inspiration, to talk of motivation.
No rise or fall
Fear like a day monotonous
and colorless, the inability to succeed
Fear away! I want a new marvel of sky!


...oh yes!
I feel the heat my heart succumbs
to at the sight of the future
These days, my face knows joy
no more,
wondering if that could be nature

Even with the alleged depletion of the
Ozone layer
these hands and feets still endures the
cold nights nature has to offer

I yearn for cheers more than tears
Now the weight of both family and
peers has being left on both my shoulders
and chest
I wish I could retire on an island
or get swallowed by this cursed earth

or better still
embrace this beast
and make it a pet!


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SEYRA (by Poetic Dela and other guest writers)

SEYRA (by Poetic Dela and other guest writers)

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Poetic Dela is an Award Winning Ghanaian Writer.

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